Late Bloomer Wealth

Month: June 2020

Millionaire Teacher Second Edition is Great!

As writers, we want to make a difference. This blog post is about a financial book review I wrote on Amazon 9 years ago and why I recently increased my former 3-star to a 5-star review.
Over the last decade, I wrote 15 personal financial book reviews on Amazon. I gave all the authors four or five-star reviews because they wrote a good financial book. But not the Millionaire Teacher! I was angry and disappointed with the first edition. Because Rule 9 violated the indexing strategy that he promoted and wrote about in the first 8 Rules. So, I gave the book 3 stars. What you will read is unpredictable in the book publishing world, and Amazon!

Teacher TIP # 61 “Sign Up Immediately…” Check this out!

A friend was closing down his store and in the pile of books he was about to give away, I found a copy of “The Gentle Red Pen: 101 Tips on Becoming the Teacher Who Makes a Difference” by an Award-Winning teacher, Bibi Angola. I started thumbing through the Tips. Guess which one of the following tips caught my attention immediately? Tip #1 “Greet your students at the door with a “hello” and a BIG smile.” Tip #20, “Get to know more about your colleagues.” Tip # 61 “Sign up immediately for a 403(b) plan (Ask your district or financial planner for details). You probably guess which one got my attention! Read on if you don’t know what I do here.

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