Late Bloomer Wealth

Many thanks to the nearly 12,000 people who downloaded “Late Bloomer Millionaires” for free. My 2nd Book will be available free.

If you missed this last free window, PLEASE DON’T FRET. I will be releasing my 2nd book, “Against Powerful Interests: Educators Challenged Tax-sheltered Annuities and Win!” by the end of 2014.

This 2nd book will be free, electronically, for life. In the meantime if you want to keep tabs on what we are doing and to read our posts about wealth building over a lifetime, please register on this blog.

To get ready for the next freebie, you can download the application for most computers and mobile devices including the iPad: Click here:

For those that took advantage so far, we ask is that you create your own review on Amazon. Thanks so much for your interest! Hope you will find the information valuable for your retirement planning.

Steve and Dan, the authors

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