Late Bloomer Wealth


Addressing the Unthinkable Before It Suddenly Addresses You

The Benefits of Financial Literacy are Many and Positively Powerful!

During my married life with Dan, we planned relentlessly for retirement. It was long before marriage equality and domestic legal partnerships. We just thought it was a good idea to set aside money. It wasn’t until we got ripped off by annuity agents and I got a cancer scare that we learned to manage our money and prepared for life without the other (the unthinkable).
Preparing for retirement is a beautiful idea. But don’t forget to include the financial literacy of your surviving spouse so she (or he) can carry on financially without you, OR all of the family’s planning and lifelong savings might be at risk.

Unexpected Advantages from Financial Literacy

Is managing your money well considered romantically hot in the dating world? Yes, it is, according to a recent survey and a subsequent article by Bloomberg. The article reveals that a high credit score shows financial responsibility stood out much higher than intelligence, job title, physical looks, trustworthiness, and owning a nice car. This blog post addresses those of us who are single no matter what age and how financial literacy can help you achieve romantic happiness whether you are looking for love at the beginning of adult life or in retirement. Financial literacy is a huge plus. Read how I reclaimed my romantic life after my loss two and half years ago and how financial knowledge helped big time.

One Year Later

What do you do in the wake of a personal devastation? How would you heal from the shock, pain, fear, and anger of a sudden loss? In this blog post, I hope you will find a sense of security, or even inspiration as you walk with me on my path this past year. Sudden misfortune creates strong emotions, and opportunities. Preparing for the death of a loved one overlaps with preparing for a loss after a divorce, a close family member, relationship, or a significant financial loss of any kind through litigation, job loss, or from a stock market crash. Emotional preparation has limitations, but not all is impossible. Know how you might react and plan ahead of time to begin the healing process.
I know what it’s like to lose the love of my life for 40 years. I can confidently say that it was how I reacted to my shocking tragedy that made the difference. When tragedy strikes isn’t it always how we respond over the long term that counts? Will I be bitter and angry forever, or will I grow into a better human being with more compassion and kindness than ever before.

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